An Analysis of the 2014 Young Adult New York Times Bestseller Lists by Gender of Author

A perennial question was raised in a continuing education course I took on critically evaluating young adult literature: do boys read less because of all those “girly” books written by women? I’ll discuss more on that topic in a separate post. But this question, as well as other discussions about gender and sexism in the… Continue reading An Analysis of the 2014 Young Adult New York Times Bestseller Lists by Gender of Author

Feminist Fridays: JK Rowling, Pen Names, Feminism, and Publishing

I have a rather feminine name, and I’ve contemplated what it would be like to have a more gender neutral or masculine name many times, even from a very young age. Certain times I’ve  been called Mo. It was a nicknamed of my dad’s, whose name was Maurice, and my own middle name is Maureen.… Continue reading Feminist Fridays: JK Rowling, Pen Names, Feminism, and Publishing

So, This Whole “New Adult” Thing: Part One

I heard there was this ABC Nightline special on New Adult fiction, so I thought I better try and distill my thoughts in anticipation of a discussion about it with my grandma. We have dinner most Sunday nights. Not that it isn’t something that has been on my mind for a while. I’ve been mulling this over… Continue reading So, This Whole “New Adult” Thing: Part One

50 Shades of Grey

If you’ve opened a newspaper, a magazine, your favorite blog, or turned on your favorite morning news program any time over the last couple months, you’ll have seen the coverage of what so many have found startling: that women like to read about sex. The sensation over Twilight fanfiction turned bestseller with a six figure… Continue reading 50 Shades of Grey